Wednesday, April 14, 2010

(04-14-2010) Chronos - Timer system

I wrote a timer application. It's very simple - does daily, monthly and annual timed events. Can do day(s) of week (For example my wake up timer: Every Monday-Friday at 6AM, duration of 15 minutes) , day of month (2nd Tuesday each month or the 15th of each month) or day of year (4th Thursday in November or every December 25th). Each timer has a start time and a duration, so that it can start at a specific time of day and continue on for minutes or hours, as defined by the timer event in a database.

You can assign a holiday flag, or holiday exemption for each timer - for example my wake-up timer is Monday through Friday at 6AM, with a duration of 15 minutes, but if it's a holiday then it is holiday exempt and the alarm will not go off on that day. Also, you can dismiss a timer - so that once I wake up and dismiss the alarm, it won't continue to try to wake me up.

The Chronos system also has OnStart, OnActive and OnEnd events for each timer. In the future I would like to add socket communications as well as Sunset and Sunrise timers.

(04-14-2010) Twitter Unit for Delphi

I created a simple unit for using Twitter through Delphi. It requires the Indy Internet component suite to be installed, but then it allows the user to send and receive tweets very easily. I created a simple example program to show all the functions. If you're interested in the code, please drop me a line and I'll send it to you.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

(04-08-2010) New twitter code

Created a new twitter interface. My old system was using CURL (a great little command-line URL utility), but this version is all internal. It works much better and faster than the old version. Also, I've added some new abilities like the ability to create databases via twitter, so that I can keep track of invoices or automotive upkeep with just a tweet back to my server. Would like to give the tweet'er program the ability to send weather warnings and updates, as well as send me my to-do list every day.

I plan to add this into my existing home automation code, so that controlling lights or getting updates from my cameras can be done via twitter, or even changing parameters to the home automation system can be done remotely. The home automation system has twitter support, but it's not very rich at this time.